Abingdon UMC has several prayer ministries. This church recognizes that prayer is vital to the work that God has called us to have. Read more about how to get connected in this critical ministry of the church.

If you would like us to pray for you, simply submit the information to us through the form below.
If you are sharing a prayer need with us that is not your own, please know that you must have the person's permission to share their information with us. We respect everyone's right to privacy and will not share these needs beyond our own prayer group.
Lectio Divina
The Examen
Five Fingered Prayer
ACTS Prayer
BLESS Prayer
Praying the News
Prayer Rooms
Prayer Beads
Prayer Walking
Prayer Labyrinth
Prayer Apps (use your search engine to find one that suits you)

Join our Partners in Prayer group that meets each Wednesday at 6pm in our Prayer Chapel.
Ask to be added to the Prayers4AUMC prayer team to pray confidentially over needs of the church.
Pray during church and light candles to symbolize your prayers being offered up.
Abingdon UMC also has a prayer chain. When submissions are made to the AUMC prayer chain, a dedicated, trained prayer team will pray confidentially over your requests.
If you'd like to become part of the PRAYERS4AUMC team, send an email to the same address and ask to be added. You'll then be sent information and guidelines about this important ministry.