Welcome to on-line, at-home worship. Abingdon United Methodist Church will continue to provide a 10:20am online worship experience even as we have begun limited in-person worship (with precautions) weekly at 9:00am. Our current series "Restored: Finding New Life in Chirst" looks at stories of restoration in the BIble. It reminds us that nothing makes us unredeemable! Today we look to the story of the demon-possessed man amongst the tombs in Luke 8:26-39 and we thank the Johnson family for our special music before worship.
Each week:
We continue to "Premiere" our worship which means that we pre-recorded and stream worship together at 10:20am on Facebook but worship services will continue to be available after they air. Click below to worship on Youtube (either click in just between 10:15 and 10:20am to watch live or click here anytime to catch-up with worship:
Watch the 10:20 AM Worship:
Announcements - our website announcements and our online calendar.
Offering - give financially.
Worship Archives - the archive of "Worship at Home"
Connect - Our pastor's blog