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Worship at Home | Jan. 19

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

Welcome to on-line worship. If the weather kept you at home safe-and-sound, this is an opportunity for Sunday evening or throughout the week to grow with God (even in the absence of the community we love).

The Gathering: Centering on God

Here is a song to center our hearts on God as we begin this time of worship. Perhaps find a quiet and comfortable place if you have a mobile device or computer on which you are watching this.

Opening Prayer

Here is a prayer from worship this morning that you may wish to pray, or pray your own prayer inviting God into the space and your heart.

Gracious God, you blessed (me/us) with your son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who invited the disciples to ‘come and see.’   During worship, may (I/we) ‘come and see’ your grace and peace through scripture, music, Word, and prayer. AMEN.


Obviously there are no plates to pass. Of course there are options for supporting the ministry of this church: Give online, Use Online Banking, or give for two Sundays next week in worship, but it isn't just about how we give, or what we give financially, it's about taking time to contemplate what it means to give more of ourselves to Christ. During this on-line worship time take a moment to listen to the song below and be in prayer about how you give to God and God's church. Consider making a commitment with yourself to give yourself to God in a new way or give a little extra to your God so that children can be fed through feed my lambs and the closet/cupboard, the lives can be transformed through camp PARK, spirits can be filled during worship, and new ministries can begin for both the elderly and children in the next year.

Scripture & Message

Our scripture today is John 1:35-42

Prayer Time

1. Prepare yourself for prayer by thinking through those who need your prayer focus and think about your own joys and concerns.

2. Sit with God and allow God into your mind and begin silently speaking your joys and concerns to God.

3. Consider ending with this prayer or whatever words are on your heart:

Our Lord, Christ, who asked the disciples,  “What are you looking for,”  and who offered the invitation to “Come and See,” open our hearts to what you reveal and give us the courage to follow.  

By Your Spirit aid us in our journey, so that like John, our words and deeds point to the Lamb of God.

For those who are suffering, let us point to Christ through comfort.  

For those who are hungry, let us point to Christ through bread.  

For those in the grip of despair, let us point to Christ through hope.

In Your Name, AMEN.

[[this prayer is adapted from the re:worship liturgy blog: ]]

Closing Song

This song is about a relentless God that pursues us out of love.


Abingdon United Methodist Church

(309) 462-3444


(located at the corner of Washington & Latimer)

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