John 6:1-15
This last week I had the blessing of attending a clergy retreat at Camp Milan. For most this was a great experience but for me it was a time to simply return to the place that I feel God’s presence the most. In our scripture today the main focus is on feeding the five thousand. As I read around the main story, I see that Jesus goes to the mountain multiple times. In the Gospels it seems as if the mountaintops are where Jesus finds his strength. “Jesus went up a mountain and sat there with his disciples. It was nearly time for Passover, the Jewish festival” (V.3) and “Jesus understood that they were about to come and force him to be their king, so he took refuge again, alone on a mountain.” (V.15) These two verses bookend the miracle of feeding the 5,000 with Jesus going to his special place. For me, this place is Camp Milan. This camp was about ten minutes from my house growing up in. It is only a handful of miles south of Milan, Illinois just off route 67. This place does not look like much from the outside, with one main building, a pavilion, some open area and a wooded area. To me though this is home, this is where I had my first encounter with God, where I gave my life to Christ and where I heard God calling me into ministry… TWICE! Every time I step foot at Camp Milan, I know that it is holy ground and I always see something new God is showing me for that season. I do not want to spoil much but God showed me something this time that will be a devotional near Easter. So, today I ask where that mountaintop or holy ground is for you. It may be a sunset, a coffee shop, a church, or any number of things. With this remaining month of lent I challenge you to go to the place that is special to you and just be present with God and bask in His holy presence.
Pastor Connor Morrison
Prayer: God of glory, may we find a spot on this earth that we feel your presence like Jesus did on the mountain top, Amen