We are very concerned for what is to come next as more-and-more people lose jobs, as basic necessities become harder to find and people find themselves at high-risk of COVID-19 (and for some people even grocery shopping is dangerous). The Cupboard and The Closet (at the Community Center) has temporary closed due to safety, the Community Food Pantry (in the basement of the United Methodist Church) is only able to provide modest help once a month, and there are many people who have a growing need who do not have children in school to receive snack packs from Feed My Lambs. More is going to be necessary to feed, clothe and provide basic necessities for the people of our community.

Abingdon United Methodist Church is establishing a Community Fund and making plans to mobilize to provide for our community. Already people in the community have offered up part of their government stimulus check to help begin this fund and join our Church in caring for our community. We are re-opening The Cupboard and the Closet and greatly expanding its food capacity. We have applied to the Midwest Food Bank and will work with local groceries to ensure a steady supply of food to our community and those who most need it, including delivery.
You can do your part:
by calling 309-462-3444 Mon-Thurs, 9am-12pm if you need food assistance or to volunteer with the Cupboard and the Closet, Feed My Lambs, or the Community Food Pantry.
contributing to the Community Fund. You may give by sending a check to PO Box 311, Abingdon, IL 61410 or give on this website by clicking here and selecting "Unmet Community Needs."
Making masks to be given out freely in our community: especially to the elderly, first responders and medical staff (call the number above to share your masks or learn more)
At Abingdon United Methodist Church we are very proud of the churches and all the people of the Abingdon area in supporting Feed My Lambs which provides weekend snack packs during the school year to students and provides a weekly food box to children and their families during the summer when there is no school. We are also proud of our ministry to feed and clothe anyone who asks through The Cupboard and The Closet which weekly provides food and clothing to the community, and we are pleased to provide free space to the Community Food Pantry which provides monthly assistance to families in need who meet certain criteria. These organizations together provide for our community month-after-month, but working with these groups we believe there is, temporarily, more to be done as we fight this pandemic and, then, recover our economy.