Abingdon UMC OfficeAug 8, 2024Backpack NightFeed My Lambs will be meeting Monday, August 12 at 6pm at the Christian Church to pack backpacks in preparation for the Back to School...
Abingdon UMC OfficeJan 1, 2024Get Help, Give HelpWe are accepting food donations anytime at the church office (9am-Noon on Mon, Tues., Thurs., Fri.) or at the community center Thursdays...
Abingdon UMC OfficeApr 13, 2022Sending Help to UkraineUnited Methodists and others wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people may contribute to Advance...
Abingdon UMC OfficeJun 19, 2020Pastor's Porch | Week of 6/21During phases 3 and 4, Rev. Carnes will have out-of-the-office hours on the parsonage front porch. This week's out-of-the-office hours...
Rev. Scott CarnesOct 3, 2019Daily DevotionsOctober 20 - November 10 we will consider what is means to give ourselves, in heart and mind, to God's kingdom through the work of the...